Penny Says:
I recently revisited Nick Hornby’s High-fidelity a favorite from years gone by, but it lead me to his other books that had been previously unread by me.. How to be Good was the first available at my local public library I read it in one night, witty dialogue does not begin to describe Hornby’s writing style. I am not British by any means and I could hear the English accents, granted I will admit to having to look up a couple of the slang phrases, but it was like being a fly on the wall of your neighbors house. You know the ones with the 2.5 kids working professional parents that leave you wondering everyday – how do they do it? Just how do they keep up with their lives working all the time, loving the kids enough, loving each other enough, and yet they seem just fine. Until that day when the husband goes a bit crazy and invites a local hippie dippy trippy basically homeless drug (current or recovering) addict to move in to the family home. Some how finding out that these seemingly well adjusted folks were a total and complete mess made me feel better about not being perfect. How to be Good by Nick Hornby is highly recommended on my list.
Just as soon as I have gotten my fill of Hornby’s banter, I am moving on to my recently received gift from my good friend in
Conditions – overcast – perfect for a lazy day of reading and relaxing
Need more stories Penny
:) epomp
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